Fill Shifts in Bulk

clipboard with checkmark icon

Whether creating your weekly roster or covering a last minute cancellation, filling open shifts is an important component to managing your company’s roster. You can fill vacant shifts in Rosterit in a number of ways:

Assign Default Employees on a Shift

When creating a shift, you can select a default employee who will always be rostered onto that shift. This is a great option for if you have regular, reoccurring shifts each week. 

To assign a default employee to a shift, simply select the Role required and then

Mass Assign or Offer Shifts

If you have to fill multiple employees to the same role and time, you can use the Mass Assign or Mass Offer functions in Rosterit.

Through the Fill Open Shifts page, 

choosing by role and filtering the position means you can multi select shifts to assign or offer employees

If you have to fill multiple employees to the same role and time, you can use the Mass Assign or Mass Offer functions.

For example, if you require 3 Waiters for a particular shift, you can offer all three Waiters to the shift at once, as opposed to offering or assigning the shift to each of the 3 Waiter roles individually.  This will send a message to all selected employees via their preferred communication method. The first three Waiters to accept the offer will be assigned to fill the shift, and the shift offer will close.

You can access this feature in one of two ways:

  1. From the Roster Page
    Click into any Shift Instance from the Roster page. Select which option you wish to use by either selecting Mass Assignment or Send Mass Offer at the bottom of the page.
  2. From the Fill Open Shifts Page
    Go to the Fill Open Shifts page from the Shifts side menu bar, clicking By Shift, and selecting the Shift. Select which option you wish to use by either selecting Mass Assignment or Send Mass Offer at the bottom of the page.

To mass assign employees to a shift, select and assign multiple employees with the same specified role to work a shift.

Select the role and time you would like to Mass Assign employees to. The Assign button is automatically greyed out once you have reached the allocated number of roles needed for the shift.

Fill a Specific Shift from the Roster

From the Roster page, select a specific shift (“Shift Instance”) that you would like to fill. 

The colour on the left hand side of a shift only appears in the Roster View and matches the colour assigned to the role:

Shifts with a green checkmark have been filled.

Shifts with a red exclamation mark need to be filled. To fill the Shift, click into the Shift Instance from the Roster.

Fill Shifts by Role:

To view a summary of all open shifts that require attention, select Shifts from the side menu bar and click Fill Open Shifts. Use this function to fill open shifts in bulk. In the ‘By Role’ tab, you can select multiple shifts by role.

(*Note: Multiple Offers will provide a link to the Your Shift Offers page to view each individual shift details.)

Fill Shifts by Shift:

To view a summary of all open shifts that require attention, select Shifts from the side menu bar and click Fill Open Shifts. Use this function to fill open shifts in bulk. In the By Shift tab, you can fill open shifts by the Shift Instance.

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Next Step: Manage Shifts

Once you’ve learned how to create a shift, find out how to manage your shifts – including updating shift details and modifying employees working a shift. 

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