Manage Your Shifts & Offers

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Learn how to manage your own shifts, including viewing past and upcoming shifts as well as receiving and actioning swap shift offers or swaps.

View Your Shifts

To view a list of all of your own personal upcoming shifts, select Shifts from the side menu bar and click Your Shifts

View Your Past Shifts

To display a list of all your historical shifts, go to Shifts and click Past Shifts.

Use the filter to search for a particular date range.

View Your Shift Offers

To view all outstanding shift offers and swaps, select Shifts from the side menu bar and click Your Shift Offers.

Action a Shift Offer or Swap

To view and action all outstanding Shift Swaps or Offers, select Shifts from the side menu bar and click Your Shift Offers.

To action a Shift Offer, simply select the shift you wish to action and click either Reject Offer or Accept Offer.

To action a Shift Swap, select either No Shift (no shift will be offered in return) or select a shift you wish to swap, and then click Propose ShiftThe original offeree will need to review the proposed shift by clicking the down arrow on the shift in their Shift Offers.
If the offeree accepts the shift by clicking Accept Offer, the shifts will then be updated. If the shift swap is rejected, the process will then need to start again.

Join an Open Shift

If you wish to view or join eligible shifts, simply go to Shifts from the side menubar and click Join Shifts.

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