Create Jobs and Tasks

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Learn how to create specific jobs and tasks to monitor employee costs and productivity.

Job can include a specific project, event, or WBS. Jobs can be assigned to a shift to track employee costs of a particular job.

To create a new Job, go to Jobs in the Settings menu and select Add New Job.

In the pop-up window, fill out the Job details, including a Job Name, Job Number, and a Description if relevant.



(*NoteTo track a job in your Payroll System, include the associated tracking number here.)

Tasks can be assigned to a role (person) or to a shift so that anyone on the shift can complete it.

To create a new task, go to Tasks in the Settings menu and select Add New Task

In the pop-up window, fill out the Task details, including a Name and Description.


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Next Step: Populate your Employees

Next, you’ll just need to enter the details of all employees who will be using Rosterit. This can be done manually or uploaded in bulk.

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