Assign & Review Tasks

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Learn how to assign specific tasks within a shift and review whether they have been completed.

You can also assign tasks to a specific role. This means that only the employees with that role must complete the task.

Edit the role by going to the elypses (three dots) and selecting the task you wish to add, or create a new one. To create a new task, simply type the name of a new task, and then press the Enter button on your keyboard. 

You can also add tasks that staff are required to complete when working on a particular shift. These tasks are not specific to a particular position.  Just go to the Create a Shift page and simply find the task you wish to add, or create a new one.

To create a new task from within the Create a Shift page, simply type the name of a new task, and then press the Enter button on your keyboard. 


To a review if tasks have been completed, go to Shifts from the main menu bar and select Review Tasks. Use the tabs to switch between Shift Tasks and Employee Tasks.

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Next Step: Populate your Employees

Next, you’ll just need to enter the details of all employees who will be using Rosterit. This can be done manually or uploaded in bulk.

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