In this section, you’ll learn how to configure your company account, including entering your company details, preferences, and time & attendance settings.
While some settings apply only to individual users, some settings are account-wide and impact all users. These settings include account time zone and language, default currencies, and security.
Configure your company account by clicking on the Settings (cog) icon from the top right hand side of the navigation menu bar and then selecting Company Settings.
Enter Your Company Details
The first tab you will come to is the Company Details tab. Here, you can update your company’s logo, as well as providing some basic details about your company – including company name, website, and address.

Enter Your Company Preferences
Enter your Company Preferences, including Calendar & Display Preferences, Shift Preferences, and Communication Settings.

The Calendar & Display Preferences determine how your Roster will look, including calendar start week, name display, contact details, and showing leave on the Roster.
Enable various shift modules and health & safety settings, including offering and swapping shifts.
- Enable staff to join shifts automatically – This allows the join shifts menu option, where employees can add themselves to eligible shifts.
- Enable employee shift swaps offers – Allow employees to swap shifts with other eligible employees.
- Enable unavailability requests – This allows the unavailability menu option, employees can submit when they are unavailable so they wont be available for work during this time. (*Note: This is different from Leave.)
- Prevent Unavailability requests when already Rostered – This setting prevent users from submitting unavailability after they have been added to the roster.
Specify default communication settings, shift reminders and alerts including SMS, email and push notifications.
Enter Your Time & Attendance Settings
Specify your Time & Attendance settings, including your preferred Payroll Provider, allowances, and leave settings. Add all relevant overtime settings, custom allowances, and pay periods.

Specify your Time & Attendance settings, including your preferred Payroll Provider, allowances, and leave settings. Add all relevant overtime settings, custom allowances, and pay periods.
- Payroll Provider – Choose your payroll provider from the drop-down list
- Payroll Cost Code – Do you use Cost centre’s for coding your employees hours into your payroll provider? This option allows you to set this based on the employee’s primary department (Department) or where your employee worked (Job) – See more information around department and jobs in the relevant sections
- Pay Codes/Pay Elements (up to 5 pay codes) – Leaving this area blank will use the default codes of your selected payroll provider, but if you use unique codes within your payroll provider, please enter them here. This is important to ensure the Time & Attendance export matches your payroll provider (e.g. ORD = Ordinary Hours).
- Overtime Pay Code – As above, if you use a special code for overtime, enter it here.
- Other Leave Code – Rosterit has standard leave items for Annual Leave, Sick Leave, etc. Use this field if you have a unique Leave type (e.g. Education)
- Meal Allowances – Rosterit has meal allowances built into the system. To use this, specify the code /pay element (e.g. MEAL), the shift length to be eligible for a meal allowance (e.g. 10 hour shift), and/or the late shift meal allowance time (e.g. working past 10PM), as well as specifying the dollar amount of the allowance.
- Default Leave Job Code – Specify a default cost centre for Leave. This is an optional global setting for all Employees. You can also do this individually in each Employee page.
- Overtime – Select the leave types that contribute to whether Overtime would be paid.
- Custom Allowances – You can add as many custom allowance as required here. Note: these are dollar amount based allowances, not hourly.
- Round GPS Timesheets – Specify whether you would like to round the clock-in and clock-out times. Enter the minutes you would like to round to (e.g. to the nearest 15 minutes.)
- Early clock-in minutes – Specify how early you allow your employees to clock in.
- Enable IP Address clock-in – Enable this if you would like to use a whitelist for the GPS clock-in based on the company’s unique network service in addition to the GPS on the employee’s mobile device. To activate Rosterit’s Facial Recognition feature, you will need to enable IP address clock-in. Find out more here.
- Pay Period – Set up your pay period by selecting the frequency and the start of your pay period (e.g. weekly starting Monday). This is a one-off set up that is required as a first step when setting up your Company Account.

Next Step: Add Roles & Skills
Next, enter all of the roles and skills that may be required for each shift.
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